Standar length [m] Capacity [kgf]
Vertical Choker Basket double vertical
Basket hasta 45º Basket hasta 60º Direct up 45º 2 cintas Direct up 60º 2 cintas Choker up 45º 2 cintas Choker up 60º 2 cintas
Use factor
1,0 0,8 2,0 1,4 1,0 1,4 1,0 1,12 0,8
30 300 1-1,5-2-2,5-3-3,5-4-4,5-5-6-8-10-12 1000 800 2000 1400 1000 1400 1000 1120 800
60 350 1-1,5-2-2,5-3-3,5-4-4,5-5-6-8-10-12 2000 1600 4000 2800 2000 2800 2000 2240 1600
90 400 1-1,5-2-2,5-3-3,5-4-4,5-5-6-8-10-12 3000 2400 6000 4200 3000 4200 3000 3360 2400
120 500 1,5-2-2,5-3-3,5-4-5-6-8-10-12 4000 3200 8000 5600 4000 5600 4000 4480 3200
150 550 2-2,5-3-3,5-4-5-6-8-10-12 5000 4000 10000 7000 5000 7000 5000 5600 4000
180 550 2-2,5-3-3,5-4-5-6-8-10-12 6000 4800 12000 8400 6000 8400 6000 6720 4800
240 650 2-2,5-3-3,5-4-5-6-8-10-12 8000 6400 16000 11200 8000 11200 8000 8960 6400
300 750 3-4-5-6-8-10-12 10000 8000 20000 14000 10000 14000 10000 11200 8000

Safety Factor 7:1. International color standard. According to NBR 15637-1/EN 1492-1 standard.
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